Colombian authority awards AlfaPeople Quality Management System Certificate for 2nd consecutive time
AlfaPeople Global AlfaPeople Global |
Mar 20, 2020

Colombian authority awards AlfaPeople Quality Management System Certificate for 2nd consecutive time

The Colombian Institute of Standards and Certification – or Icontec, according to its acronym in Spanish – has awarded AlfaPeople with the Quality Management System (QMS) certificate for a second consecutive time. The certificate was formally received on February 25, 2020, at Icontec headquarters.

The renewal of the certificate came as a result of an audit conducted on August 14 and 15, 2019, with objectives focused on:

  • Determining the compliance of the management system according to the requirements of Icontec’s management system standard
  • Determining the capacity of the management system to ensure that AlfaPeople Colombia complies with the legal, regulatory and contractual requirements applicable within the scope of Icontec’s management system standard
  • Determining the effectiveness of the management system to ensure that AlfaPeople has reasonable expectations regarding the fulfillment of the specified objectives
  • Identifying potential improvement areas of our management system.

Among the benefits for AlfaPeople working under QMS standards are:

  • The ability to focus on identifying and satisfying customer needs, both in terms of deployment as well as installed base support. Additionally, to seek to understand and exceed their expectations.
  • Through the leadership of AlfaPeople’s Senior Management, the company boasts the conditions for employees to commit to achieving the organization’s quality objectives.
  • The renewal of our certificate was achieved thanks to the leadership of AlfaPeople Colombia’s senior management, headed by General Manager Mr. Félix Sastoque, and the commitment of all AlfaPeople employees.

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