AI in the workplace is a competitive advantage in 2024
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Sep 11, 2024

AI in the workplace is a competitive advantage in 2024

The 2024 Work Trend Index Annual from Microsoft and LinkedIn reveals that AI in the workplace is already a reality. The use of generative AI has doubled in the last six months, with 75% of global knowledge workers using AI. Employees are looking for ways to lighten the workload with AI. Leaders recognize the importance of this technology. However, many still lack a clear plan for strategic implementation.

The report highlights the importance of company transformation. Similar changes occurred with the arrival of the internet and PCs. Now, transformation depends on the widespread adoption of AI. This technology is essential to drive growth and optimize processes. Companies that can apply AI at scale will have a competitive advantage. There are fears about job losses. However, many leaders report a shortage of skilled talent for crucial roles. AI skills are becoming essential for new hires. In fact, 66% of leaders say they wouldn’t hire someone without AI skills.

The report also explores “AI power users,” individuals already utilizing technology effectively to optimize work and transform processes. These findings point to a future in which the strategic use of AI will be decisive for organizational success.

Graph three out of four people use ai at work
Graph three out of four people use ai at work

Source: Work Trend Index Annual Report.

AI´s growing influence and challenges

Another important reading, the AI Index produced by Stanford University in its more than 500 pages, is one of the most reliable sources on the subject, being cited in the world’s leading newspapers, such as The New York Times and The Guardian, as well as referenced by executives, policymakers and scholars in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. Complementing and reaffirming some trends from the 2024 Work Trend Index Annual, cited above, the Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of trends and data related to artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries. The report highlights the growing influence of AI in industries and societies and the ongoing challenges related to governance, ethical use, and risk management.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • Technical Progress: AI has outperformed humans in several tasks. These tasks include image classification, visual reasoning, and language understanding. However, AI still struggles with complex tasks. These challenges include advanced mathematics and common-sense reasoning.
  • Industry Dominance: The industry continues to lead cutting-edge AI research. In 2023, it produced 51 remarkable machine learning models. This is compared to only 15 models produced by academia. Additionally, collaborations between industry and academia reached a new record..
  • Rising Costs: Training costs for advanced AI models have skyrocketed, with OpenAI’s GPT-4 estimated at $78 million for computation.
  • Geopolitical Dynamics: The U.S. remains the global leader in AI research. In 2023, 61 notable models emerged from U.S.-based institutions. This number far surpasses China, which produced 15 models, and the European Union, which produced 21 models.
  • Generative AI Explosion: Investment in generative AI has skyrocketed, increasing nearly eightfold to $25.2 billion in 2023, despite an overall decline in AI investments.
  • AI and Productivity: Studies show that AI increases productivity and improves the quality of work, especially by reducing the skills gap between workers.
  • AI in Science and Medicine: The role of AI in scientific discovery and medical advancements is expanding, with applications such as AlphaDev and GNoME revolutionizing fields such as algorithm efficiency and materials discovery.
  • Public Opinion: Global public awareness of AI’s potential has grown, with 66% of respondents in a survey believing that AI will dramatically impact their lives in the next 3–5 years. However, concerns about privacy, misinformation, and job security are rising, with 52% of Americans expressing more concern than enthusiasm about AI.
  • Policy and Regulation: Governments are stepping up regulations on AI, with the US seeing a significant increase in AI-related bills and regulatory actions. The European Union has also moved forward with landmark legislation, including the AI Act.
  • Responsible AI Challenges: There is a lack of benchmarks for responsible AI, complicating efforts to assess the risks and limitations of different models. Issues such as deepfakes, political biases, and the misuse of AI in sensitive areas remain pressing concerns.

In this way, AI presents challenges and concerns but also excellent results. I recommend reading these reports to develop a critical view of this technological revolution that AI is bringing us.

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