Are You Leveraging Social Media Effectively For Your Business?
Nationwide, 76% of Germans with Internet access use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & others. If you look at the age distribution of users, it is clear that almost all ‘twens’ – as 20-29-year-olds like to be called – are active on the social web. But other age groups are also frequent users, such as 30-39-year-olds with 84%, 40-49 with 74% and 50-59 with 64%. These are exactly the age groups that are generally targeted by B2B business. Business decision makers are therefore active in social networks and ready to learn about your company’s products and solutions – consciously or unconsciously. Why miss this opportunity?
Every beginning is difficult
Start small and listen first to how the web discusses you and your topics. Watch your competitors, and what your customers are responding to in social networks. In which channels are they active? Find social media trends & conversations you can share.
Of course, it is also important to know what you want to achieve by using social media
Customer loyalty, brand awareness and image enhancement, lead generation and sales promotion: The possibilities are manifold. Start with one or two goals and focus your activities on them. A wide range of options and social media platforms are available, depending on what you want to achieve.
If, for example, you want to generate new leads, you need to reach the right customer segments and their decision-makers to convince them of your expertise and competence. Naturally, blogs are suitable for this, but business portals such as XING or LinkedIn can also be effective. Using these social media channels will greatly extend the reach of your publications. If this is bolstered by targeted ads on these platforms, you can increase your visibility and attract potential customers. Social networks offer a variety of options to define your target audience in order to address them with targeted ads and attract their attention. A mix of channels is recommended to increase effectiveness. You should always think carefully about who you are addressing with what message and what platforms are right for your goals.
What really helps
While this all sounds very simple, it can be very time-consuming and expensive to implement. Social media management tools, chosen from the wide range available on the market, are therefore useful. Tools such as Microsoft Social Engagement can bundle information from the various platforms and classify the posts to simplify interaction with users. Functions such as Reputation Management, Corporate Perceptions, Industry Trend Monitoring or Influencer Identification can be mapped through social listening.
In a nutshell: the question of “social media yes or no” no longer arises – important is how
Start as an observer and think about what you want to achieve. Then choose the social media platforms, and naturally the content you want to share, and define your budget.
To keep track of everything, social media management tools like Microsoft Social Engagement are useful. Would you like to see for yourself?