
Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July

Welcome to the July edition of Business Application News! Microsoft has once again introduced numerous exciting […]

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Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July


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Effective PMO management: How to increase project performance!
AlfaPeople DACH
Jun 23, 2023

Effective PMO management: How to increase project performance!

Does project management work better with a Project Management Officer (PMO)? Our experience proves: Yes, it […]

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Data migration in flow
AlfaPeople DACH
Jun 23, 2023

Data migration in flow

Migrating data during ongoing operations is a challenge. We show how we master this with a […]

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No project too complex
AlfaPeople DACH
Jun 23, 2023

No project too complex

Supply Supply chain management (SCM) covers a wide range – from small to large projects. But […]

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The role of AI in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
AlfaPeople DK
Jun 14, 2023

The role of AI in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

In an increasingly competitive business landscape, CFOs must navigate through complex financial decisions daily. Making sense […]

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Maximize your ROI with AlfaPeople AMS
AlfaPeople DK
May 15, 2023

Maximize your ROI with AlfaPeople AMS

As a CIO, you are continuously faced with the challenge of maintaining a competitive advantage while […]

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Microsoft CoPilot: Unlocking your company’s potential with AI-powered code assistance
AlfaPeople DK
May 01, 2023

Microsoft CoPilot: Unlocking your company’s potential with AI-powered code assistance

Microsoft CoPilot – As a CIO, your priority is to maximize the efficiency and performance of […]

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Revolutionizing Sales Teams: Unleashing the power of ChatGPT and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
AlfaPeople DK
Apr 26, 2023

Revolutionizing Sales Teams: Unleashing the power of ChatGPT and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

In the constantly evolving landscape of sales and technology, it is crucial for organizations to stay […]

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Transform your business with Microsoft Viva Sales: A game-changer for CIO’s
AlfaPeople DK
Apr 26, 2023

Transform your business with Microsoft Viva Sales: A game-changer for CIO’s

As the CIO of a mid-sized company in production, manufacturing, or retail, you are well aware […]

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Leveraging Cloud Solutions: Unlocking the full potential
AlfaPeople DK
Apr 17, 2023

Leveraging Cloud Solutions: Unlocking the full potential

Cloud Solution – In recent years, the transition to cloud-based solutions for critical business applications like […]

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Comply with LATAM tax and fiscal laws
AlfaPeople DK
Mar 29, 2023

Comply with LATAM tax and fiscal laws

Localization LATAM – As a CFO, you understand the importance of streamlining your business operations and […]

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Collaboration between sales and marketing saves companies billions
AlfaPeople DK
Mar 01, 2023

Collaboration between sales and marketing saves companies billions

According to the report “State of Marketing” from the global network CMO Council, lost sales productivity, […]

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Why 75% of all companies uses Marketing Automation
AlfaPeople DK
Mar 01, 2023

Why 75% of all companies uses Marketing Automation

The “State of Marketing” study conducted by Social Media Today shows that 75% of all companies […]

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