
Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July

Welcome to the July edition of Business Application News! Microsoft has once again introduced numerous exciting […]

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Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July


Lessons from Future Decoded 2019: AI in Healthcare
Oct 18, 2019

Lessons from Future Decoded 2019: AI in Healthcare

Once again Microsoft’s Future Decoded event turned out to be an amazing experience with many great […]

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Black Box Thinking and Digital Transformation in Healthcare
Mar 07, 2018

Black Box Thinking and Digital Transformation in Healthcare

In his book, ‘Black Box Thinking’, Matthew Syed writes about the importance of an indestructible black […]

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How can healthcare providers learn from Fitness Tech leaders?
Feb 23, 2018

How can healthcare providers learn from Fitness Tech leaders?

Disruptor technology has landed an increasingly prolific place in healthcare organizations, yielding benefits that range from […]

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