How to Go Through a Digital Transformation Process?
AlfaPeople |
Jul 18, 2018

How to Go Through a Digital Transformation Process?

With all the technologies already incorporated into daily life in society and in corporate processes, it does not seem necessary to propose actions for a company to undergo a digital transformation, after all, it has already gone through this. Right?

Not so much, and this reasoning is common when you consider that in the recent past great evolutionary milestones drastically changed the context of commercial relations, such as the internet.

Today, however, new technologies are being released all the time and driving a company into a digital transformation means adopting innovations in their processes that will actually make them more efficient.

In this post, we’ll talk about what this strategy is all about, what it takes for a company to really be innovative.

Digital Transformation Nowadays

A portion of the corporate world has not yet surrendered to artificial intelligence (AI) robots and now needs to face the fact that they have already been improved and given the ability to imagine things.

We can see this in GAN technology – Generative Adversarial Networks – that will allow entire cities to be automated. With it, AI robots will not restrict themselves to trend analytics or database parameters.

This is just one of the thousands of technologies that will come on the market in the coming years, which allows us to conclude that today’s digital transformation is about applying what can really optimize the company’s internal processes bringing productivity and effectiveness.

This choice must be directly related to the needs of the clients because, in a basic analysis, the companies are fed by the interest of their publics. If they require new channels of interaction or simpler business processes, then the organization needs to be transformed so that it meets those urgencies.

Benefits perceived in the business

With the adoption of innovative processes, the company benefits from a number of business advantages, such as:

Reduced operating costs

Obviously, it will be necessary to invest in technologies for digital transformation to occur, but with considerable financial returns, the costs involved will be easily justified.

Together, fixed business costs can be cut by the optimization the tools will provide.

Improvement of the experience throughout the client’s journey

At this point, the perception will not be at only one point, but throughout the client’s journey. By inserting a marketing automation solution such as Code-K Campaign, for example, all email sent for relationship management at different times will be customized and your metrics evaluated to further customize the strategy.

In the end, in addition to a regular and productive business relationship, customers will also have a sense of the value they hold for the business.

More efficient processes and increased consulting potential

By using technologies that support or perform routine tasks, the volume of failures will drop considerably, and employee time can be spent on more personalized and advisory customer and decision-making relationships.

Tools like Dynamics 365, integrated with all other Microsoft tools, for example, will provide intelligent support to the team while making the whole process agiler.

Actions and investments to adopt the strategy

The first step in digital transformation lies in the mapping of processes, needs and, of course, evaluation of future planning. Goals should be more specific, such as increasing productivity or reducing service time, not just becoming more innovative.

Thus, the infrastructure adaptation may be the next focus of investments. It’s necessary to invest in the technologies that will provide such results, as well as in the equipment and tools that will enable its execution. None of this will succeed, however, if the initiative does not start out from the company’s direction or have its full support.

Digital transformation also brings new challenges for the business management and its employees. The interaction between Human Resources and new technologies will be the crucial point for the company’s success in its strategies.

Therefore, you need to keep an eye on the market. On our LinkedIn you can catch up with news from the world of technology applied to business, and our YouTube channel shows how the new solutions can revolutionize their results. Don’t forget to follow us.