The project method is the key factor for your IT project’s success. Benefit from the AlfaPeople Hybrid M …
IT projects are always associated with high human and financial effort. In addition, there is a high degree of complexity and the use of new, perhaps unknown technologies. Quite a few fail because of this. To counteract this, AlfaPeople has developed the Hybrid Method.
The hybrid method combines all advantages of the classic waterfall model with an agile realization of your IT project.
AlfaPeople offers a hybrid method for your implementation project. The classic waterfall model, with all its advantages, is combined with the agile realization of the project, taking into consideration the duration and cost structure.
Already at the beginning of the diagnostic phase, the basic requirements are recorded, the licensing needs are clarified and preliminary discussions regarding the objectives of the project are held. The result will be documented in a scope document in order to be able to submit a contract proposal based on the results in parallel.
After a successful kickoff with all team members, the analysis phase of the hybrid method starts to get a clear picture of the requirements for the new system based on the existing system and the requirements for the target processes. All existing project documentation from the last system introduction is important here. This saves time and money. Consequently, the necessary fit/gap documents and overviews will be created.
In the next step of the hybrid method, the necessary systems are created in-house or in the cloud. The goal here is to set up a prototype based on the standard functionalities of the new system in the next phase Design & Configuration.
Now it’s getting concrete and details are coming in
Topics like key user training on the new system, interfaces, data migration, security concepts, document and print management, but also the famous “Why-not” workshops are on the agenda. All this will be determined and defined together with you as part of the hybrid method.
During the design phase, it is often discovered that some requirements need to be looked at in greater depth, or even differently. In this case, it is possible to jump back to the analysis phase. Thus the two phases merge in some areas in practice but should be considered separately for progress control.
At the end of this phase of the hybrid method, the remaining conceptual documents up to the test and training plans are created. As early as possible, we work with the existing data in order to obtain a practical application at an early stage. The data transfer is realized right at the beginning of the phase Continuous Development with the topic data migration.
This is where the agile part of project implementation begins
Working together with you, we will start the area of effort estimation and sprint planning. The so-called “Planning Poker Session” starts. As part of the hybrid method, the goal here is to bring your individual process requirements into a time and cost-saving realization. Misunderstandings are discussed and eliminated in order to use as many standard functions of the new system as possible.
At this stage of the hybrid method, the AlfaPeople team begins with the creation of user stories in Microsoft DevOps, the development, the various tests of the results and the corresponding documentation. The global sprint planning is the main focus in this phase in order to realize an optimal productivity in the project.
Again and again, the deployments of the individual sprints come with the requirements for you to start testing and ensure approvals. As soon as all adjustments and settings have been implemented, the final phase, the deployment, brings everything to the final system, provides final training and prepares the support after the live start.
The big day and the busy phase of the live start are coming up
The jointly developed cutover plan leads the project to its final goal. After the successful start of your project and the provided AlfaPeople support team, nothing more stands in the way of project acceptance within the framework of the hybrid method.
In our fast-moving world no project is immune to failure – but with the AlfaPeople Hybrid Method you create the best conditions for a successful IT project.