Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Turn your customers’ problems into business opportunities

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Consumers want their problems to be solved as soon as possible, regardless
of the channel chosen to communicate with the brand.
Keepig  that in mind, Microsoft developed Dynamics 365 Customer Service, which enables your company to offer high-level Customer Service, with faster, more assertive responses that provide excellent experiences ‒ even if the communication happens at the same time, on multiple channels (omnichannel).  

Automate the Customer Service area and have more aggressive SLAs

Transform the way your company communicates with its audience. By automating the Customer Service area, your business becomes omnichannel, provides excellent contact experiences, and integrates all the customer information onto a single screen. The quality of your customer’s experience  increases,adding  more value for the business. Your company starts to engage, retain, and conquer more customers.  

Fluid and qualified omnichannel service

Independent of each customer’s favorite communication channel (chat, text or voice messages, WhatsApp, social networks etc), they expect continuity, resolution, and finalization of the service. The omnichannel features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service capture those requests, no matter where they came from, and deliver good self-service experiences. Also, by centralizing the demands and the resolution journey, the tool facilitates the management of services and provides fluidity to the customer experience.

Ease in finding solutions and increasing FCR

Having access and understanding of each customer’s needs is the key to resolving them as quickly as possible. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service resources provides a 360º view of customers, which makes it easier to understand requests and search for value-added solutions. In addition, the articles in the knowledge base are always available to the agents during the communication. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service offers full support to agents so they can increase the resolution index within the first contact ‒ what we call FCR (First Call Resolution). FCR increases retention of the target audience, due to the agility and quality of the service provided.

More support and knowledge for service agents

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service productivity tools offer resources to help agents perform activities efficiently, while keeping to the processes. Smart Support has Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms that suggest knowledge articles and examples of similar occurrences. Agents can also count on assistance guidelines, better known as Agent Scripts.

Easier incident management

In addition to the tools that promote resolution in the first service, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service offers automated routing resources for the following areas: Resolution, SLA Control (Service Level Agreement), and Tracking Occurrences. Through dashboards, managers have an in-depth, real-time view of the entire operation, allowing them to gain insights for the improvement of the area. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service can be integrated to legacy systems and other technologies used by the company, making the processes even more robust and providing analytical capacity for managers and agents.

Customer’s ​​Feedback​ analysis

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service allows automated, real-time analysis of customer’s feedback ​​​s​​​, so managers and agents can capture meaningful information and direct the customer in the best possible way.

microsoft dynamics 365 screen

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service has advanced AI and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities,
as well as easy-to-view dashboards that centralize customer information. 


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service for all industries and sectors

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is intended for all businesses and industries, as well as all market sectors. 

Offer more productivity and agility to the service agents

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