
Microsoft Dynamics 365 – How The Platform Makes A Difference To Retailers

Many retailers are challenged by the digital transformation and overwhelmed with the amount of big data. See Henrik Bo, Principal Consultant in AlfaPeople, explain how Microsoft Dynamics 365 can make a great difference to retailers and their business processes within marketing, merchandising, logistics, sales and customer service.

Integrate Retail Marketing, Merchandizing & Sales In Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 can measure cross-channel investments in retail marketing and give you integrated solutions and processes, with one source of truth. In other words, cross company processes in Marketing, Merchandising, Sales and Finance can share the same data and overview. Do you want to know more about how Dynamics 365 can make a difference for your company?

Measure The Effect Of Retail Marketing With Dynamics 365

Today, one of the greatest challenges in Retail is to build a sales and marketing solution that is both integrated with the company’s Supply Chain, Customer Service and Customer Loyalty Program. It is also a huge challenge to be able to connect marketing efforts to customers’ actual purchases in the stores, as well as utilizing this knowledge in continued personal marketing and service activities.

Customer Success Story – Circle K

Learn more about AlfaPeople’s customer Circle K in this interview with Ramzi Daklouche, Executive Managing Director of Alesayi Retail Company.

How To Measure The ROI Of Retail Marketing With Dynamics 365

Do you have challenges measuring the ROI of your Retail Marketing campaigns? Microsoft Dynamics 365 might be the answer to your questions

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – A 360-Degree View Of The Customer

AlfaPeople Nordic gives a first introduction to how Microsoft Dynamics 365 gives a 360 degree view of the customers.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – A Whole New Experience Of CRM And ERP

Michael Schmidt, Market Manager in AlfaPeople Nordic, explains what Micrsoft Dynamics 365 is all about and what it means for you and your company.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 & AlfaPeople

Kristoffer Vad, Director of Business Development in AlfaPeople, explains how AlfaPeople can help you with the new Microsoft Dynamics 365.

4 Strong Benefits Of Microsoft Dynamics CRM In The Cloud

Listen to Mikkel Kinnerup, Market Manager in AlfaPeople, explain 4 strong benefits the company gets by migrating the existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution to the Cloud and Microsoft Dynamics 365

Going Cloud With Your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution

Listen to Mikkel Kinnerup, Market Manager in AlfaPeople explain WHY it’s a good idea to migrate your existing Dynamics CRM solution to the Cloud.

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