Transformation in B2B-retail: 5 challenges and how to solve them

B2B-retail e-commerce has grown explosively in recent years.

The development accelerated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it was already well underway in the years before. The rapid development means that B2B retail must transform the way it sells its products to customers. Customers expect companies in retail to offer an omnichannel solution that enables them to shop where they want, when they want across devices.

So the question is, are you ready to sell your goods and products in the way that customers want to buy them?

In this e-book, we focus on five challenges that affect companies in the transformation from traditional retail to omnichannel retail, and how you can solve them.

You can read about:

  • why many companies have a complicated series of disjointed systems in their value chain and how they are integrated.
  • why legacy systems are inflexible and how they can be updated more easily.
  • why inventory management is inadequate and how a better system can be implemented.
  • why legacy systems do not support omnichannel and how a platform that can handle it is implemented.
  • why e-commerce is limited and how companies get up-to-speed in that area.

If you are interested in reading more about omnichannel and digital transformation in B2B-retail, visit our blog.

If you want to hear about how AlfaPeople can help with the implementation of new Microsoft technology, contact us here.