Dynamics 365

Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July

Welcome to the July edition of Business Application News! Microsoft has once again introduced numerous exciting […]

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Highlights and news about Microsoft Business Applications, July

Dynamics 365

Discover the versatility of Dynamics 365 with AlfaPeople. Find in-depth knowledge, tips, and strategies to help you maximize the potential of this powerful platform. Find articles on Dynamics 365.

Intelligent Order Management for Higher Customer Satisfaction
AlfaPeople Global
Mar 22, 2022

Intelligent Order Management for Higher Customer Satisfaction

Rapid growth and swiftly changing business models in e-commerce complicate long-term planning. Businesses that want to […]

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How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Final step
Mar 21, 2022

How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Final step

Power Platform Governance – Keeping on the sequence about the Microsoft CoE Starter Kit (you can check out […]

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How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Third step
Feb 28, 2022

How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Third step

In my previous post, How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Second step, we looked into […]

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How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Second step
Feb 01, 2022

How to improve governance on the Power Platform: Second step

As the interest in the Microsoft Power Platform continue to grow, it has also raised some concerns and […]

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How to improve governance on the Power Platform: First step
Jan 17, 2022

How to improve governance on the Power Platform: First step

As the Microsoft Power Platform continue to grow even more popular, businesses encourage and empower their app makers […]

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Microsoft Business Application News – Don’t miss the highlights from the 1st release wave in 2021
May 05, 2021

Microsoft Business Application News – Don’t miss the highlights from the 1st release wave in 2021

Microsoft has been releasing new functions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform step by step since […]

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Update from Microsoft Business Application News: From hours to minutes – AlfaPeople takes new Planning Optim …
Mar 12, 2021

Update from Microsoft Business Application News: From hours to minutes – AlfaPeople takes new Planning Optim …

Owning a manufacturing business, you know “good planning is everything!”. However, if you’ve been doing product […]

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